Second opinion /another opinion
From patients and relatives perspective the words like surgery, procedure, treatment invokes a strong emotional response in the form of anxiety, fear and apprehension.
The most important of all is
- Whether this treatment is really required for me?
- Am I being advised to have a treatment which is not in my best interest?
- Is this the only available treatment option?
- Am I being a victim of commercialisation of health care.
- Am I doing the right thing for my parents?
Since I started my medical practice almost 20 years ago, this has been my common observation. Especially, in our country where healthcare is perceived as a business. We’re always wondering if this is the right choice for me and my loved one.
Patient feels stressed out when he has to make decisions of great consequence with limited explanation and in a short period of time.
I would like to create a platform where you can post your Orthopedics, trauma, fracture, joint replacement, spine, sports injury queries and I assure you of giving a honest, unbiased, fair and balanced opinion based on evidence based medicine and my experience.
You can reach me at my clinic for in-person appointments or do an online consultation - +91 91482 48999
Please have these details ready to help me make the right choice for you.
- Pathology findings and blood reports.
- If you have had a surgery earlier, a copy or report
- If you were hospitalized earlier, the discharge summary
- A summary of your current treatment plan.
- Details of your current medication.
Frequently asked:
- Second opinion for Knee replacement
- Second opinion for Hip Replacement
- Second opinion for fracture Surgery
- Second opinion for orthopaedic surgery
- Second opinion for Arthroscopy/ keyhole surgery.
- Second opinion for cost estimate.